Lively Storage, Inc.
5218 Mary Ball Road
Lively, VA 22507
Occupant Name: [[CUSTOMER_NAME]]
Occupant Driver`s License #: [[DRIVERS_LICENSE_NUMBER]]
Occupant Home Phone: [[CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER]]
Occupant Email Address: [[EMAIL_ADDRESS]]
Occupant Address: [[CUSTOMER_ADDRESS]]
Alternate Contact Name: [[ALTERNATE_CONTACT]]
Alternate Contact Phone: [[ALTERNATE_PHONE_NUMBER]]
Alternate Contact Address: [[ALTERNATE_ADDRESS]]
Leased Space Number: [[UNIT]]
Leased Space Size: [[UNIT_SIZE]]
Monthly Due Date: 1st day of each month
Monthly Rent Rate: [[RENT]]
This is a month-to-month rental agreement entered into at Lively, Lancaster County, Virginia, on the transaction date above between Lively Storage, Inc., as OWNER, and [[CUSTOMER_NAME]], as OCCUPANT, who agree to the following terms and conditions:
(1) LEASED SPACE: OWNER hereby rents to OCCUPANT the leased space identified above in the self storage facility at the address of OWNER shown above.
(2) TERM: The initial term of this agreement shall be from the transaction date to the first of the next calendar month. At the end of the initial term this rental agreement shall be automatically renewed for subsequent terms of one calendar month on a month-to-month basis. OWNER may change any of the terms and conditions of this rental agreement by giving written notice to the OCCUPANT at least ten [10] days prior to the end of the term. OWNER reserves the right to terminate the rental agreement immediately for default in payment of rent, or, with or without cause, by giving written notice to the OCCUPANT at least five[5] days prior to the end of the term. OCCUPANT agrees to vacate upon demand for failure to comply with or breach of any of the terms or covenants of this agreement. Any of OCCUPANT`s property remaining on the premises after termination shall be deemed abandoned and shall be disposed of in such manner as OWNER may see fit.
RENTAL: Rent shall be paid through the OWNER`s auto-pay program, online at OWNER`s website,, or at OWNER`s post office box, monthly, in advance and without demand, no later than the first day of each calendar month. The minimum rent is for one month there is no prorating of rents after the initial term. The monthly rent is as stated above. Should OWNER fail to receive the agreed rent within five [5] days of the due date thereof, a LATE FEE shall be paid by the OCCUPANT. OCCUPANT further agrees to pay any other fees and charges due, a schedule of which shall be posted on OWNER`s website, Should OCCUPANT, participating in the auto-pay program, fail to pay two months in a row, the OCCUPANT will be disqualified from the auto-pay program and assessed the Manual Payment Processing Fee with each month's rent after auto-pay program disqualification.
(4) USE: The OCCUPANT shall use the leased space for the purpose of dead storage of personal property wholly owned by OCCUPANT and for no other purpose. The storage of explosive or other inherently dangerous material and perishable material is prohibited. OCCUPANT shall not use the leased space for any unlawful purpose or other purpose which is, in the sole opinion of the OWNER, inappropriate, hazardous, or offensive. OCCUPANT shall not make any alteration to or sublet the leased space without prior written approval of the OWNER. The use of OWNER`s utilities without prior written approval of OWNER is prohibited.
(5) RISK OF LOSS: This agreement is made on the express condition that OCCUPANT`S USE OF THE PREMISES SHALL BE SOLELY AT OCCUPANT`S OWN RISK. OCCUPANT must provide his own lock. Only one OCCUPANT lock per leased space is permitted. OWNER may, but is not required to, lock the space if it is found open. OCCUPANT acknowledges that OWNER does not furnish any security for the facility or leased space. OWNER shall not be responsible for the theft or mysterious disappearance of OCCUPANT`s property or for damage thereto caused by fire, water, freezing, heat, leakage, rodents, insects, lightning, windstorm, hail, snow, flood, explosion, riot, civil disturbance, collapse of buildings, theft, vandalism, action of other occupants, loss or failure of electricity, or from any cause whatsoever. Should any of OWNER`s employees perform any services for OCCUPANT at OCCUPANT`s request, such employee shall be deemed to be the agent of the OCCUPANT regardless of whether payment for said services is made. OCCUPANT accepts the leased space in as-is condition and acknowledges that even if OCCUPANT is assigned leased space which is normally temperature controlled. OWNER does not and cannot warrant that temperature control can be maintained at all times. THIS FACILITY REQUIRES OCCUPANTS TO HAVE INSURANCE COVERING THEIR STORED PROPERTY.
(6) NO BAILMENT: The care, custody and control of all property stored in the leased space shall remain vested in the OCCUPANT, and this agreement in no way creates a bailor-bailee relationship between OCCUPANT and OWNER.
(7) ABANDONMENT: Any space remaining without a lock for a period of three [3] or more days shall be considered abandoned and shall revert to the OWNER for re-rental. Any remaining contents shall be deemed abandoned and shall be disposed of as OWNER may see fit. If a cost of removal is incurred, said cost shall be considered an ADDITIONAL CHARGE and shall be payable immediately by OCCUPANT.
(8) SURRENDER: Upon termination of this agreement OCCUPANT shall surrender the leased space in BROOM CLEAN condition and UNDAMAGED. OCCUPANT shall be responsible for damages to the premises caused by OCCUPANT or his agents. OCCUPANT shall notify OWNER of surrendered leased space. Failure to of OCCUPANT to notify OWNER will result in continued RENTAL as agreed upon in paragraph three (3).
(9) DEFAULT AND LOCK OUT: The OCCUPANT shall be in default if the OCCUPANT fails to pay rent when due or breaks any of the terms of this agreement. In the event of default by OCCUPANT, OWNER shall be entitled to deny OCCUPANT access to the leased space by: [a] over locking or [b] removing OCCUPANT`s lock and replacing it with an OWNER lock, or [c] removing OCCUPANT`s property to another space. Contents of unit shall be deemed confiscated by OWNER and shall be disposed of as OWNER may see fit if OCCUPANT fails to pay rent for a continuous period of four (4) months. If a cost of removal is incurred, said cost shall be considered an ADDITIONAL CHARGE and shall be payable immediately by OCCUPANT.
(10) NOTICE: In the event of default, OWNER shall notify OCCUPANT of such default by regular mail at his last known address, for purposes of auction processing according to SECTION 55-416 et seq. OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, or by last known email address.
(12) RIGHT OF ENTRY: OWNER shall have the right to enter the leased space for the purpose of examining same for suspected violations of this agreement, otherwise inspecting the leased space, and making repairs or alterations thereto. Owner reserves the right to remove the contents to another space.
(13) CHANGE OF ADDRESS: OCCUPANT agrees to promptly advise OWNER of any change in OCCUPANT`s mailing address, phone number, or email address. Unless sent certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, said changes shall not become effective until acknowledged in writing by OWNER. OCCUPANT has examined his name, address, and other personal information stated at the top of this agreement and certifies that said information is correct.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: OCCUPANT agrees to abide by all Rules and Regulations pertaining to the premises which shall, from time to time, be made by OWNER and posted on OWNER`s website:
(15) ASSIGNMENT/SUBLEASE: OCCUPANT shall not assign this rental agreement nor sublease the leased space without the written consent of the OWNER.
(16) COSTS OF ENFORCEMENT: Should OCCUPANT default under this contract, OCCUPANT shall be liable for all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by OWNER in connection with such default.
(17) GOVERNING LAW INTERPRETATION SEVERABILITY: This rental agreement shall be interpreted and applied according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The capitalized paragraph headings are for convenience only and shall not affect interpretation. Should any part of this agreement be declared invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion which shall remain in full force and effect as though this agreement had been executed absent the invalid portion.
(18) ENTIRE AGREEMENT MODIFICATION: This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior understanding or written or oral agreements between the parties respecting the within subject matter, and neither they nor their agents shall be bound by any terms, conditions statements, warranties, representations or advertisement, oral or written, not contained herein. This agreement may not be modified, and no provision of it may be waived or discharged, except by a writing signed by the party against whom any such modification, waiver or discharge is sought to be enforced.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement, and OCCUPANT acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.
Lively Storage, Inc.
PO BOX 487
Lively, VA 22507